Done by Deer shelves

It is important to keep track of things for the children. This applies both in children's room and in the rest of the home. Done by Deer Has designed some small, cute and very practical shelves that can both hang directly on the wall and be placed on a piece of furniture. It makes them very flexible.

Since the shelves have a fairly high edge all the way around, they are quite brilliant for various small things to keep track of. Put them in the children's room, in the bathroom, in the entrance or other places where there should be some small things.

Done by Deer shelves

It is important to keep track of things for the children. This applies both in children's room and. Læs mere >>
It is important to keep track of things for the children. This applies both in children's room and in the rest of the home. Done by Deer Has designed some small, cute and very practical shelves that can both hang directly on the wall and be placed on a piece of furniture. It makes them very flexible.

Since the shelves have a fairly high edge all the way around, they are quite brilliant for various small things to keep track of. Put them in the children's room, in the bathroom, in the entrance or other places where there should be some small things. Skjul

Fakta om Done by Deer hylder

Hylderne er små og har en høj kant. De kan bruges til alle mulige småting, som er rare at have samling på. De små Done by Deer hylder har følgende egenskaber:

  • Mål: 11,5 x 11,5 x 13 cm.
  • Materiale: Pulverlakeret metal
  • Fås i flere pastelfarver
  • Fås med flere af de karakteristiske naive og vilde dyr som pynt på bagsiden
  • Med udskårne bogstaver på den forreste kant

Hylderne er lavet helt af metal, som er malet i støvede pastelfarver. Det giver dem et fint og æstetisk look. Brug dem til småting til barnet eller dine egne småting.