Götz doll
in high quality

Götz is dolls and accessories of the highest quality. When you choose a doll from German Götz, you are guaranteed a toy in one of the most highest standards in the market. That is why we at Mammashop are also incredibly honored to have the luxurious dolls from Götz at the shop. All the products are made of phthalate -free plastic and silicone. No toxic chemicals have been used and all products have been tested and approved in accordance with all applicable EU standards. Among other things, all the products are CE marked.
If you choose a product from Götz, you are assured: high quality, no chemistry, sustainability and good and safe play.

Götz doll
in high quality

Götz is dolls and accessories of the highest quality. When you choose a doll from German Götz, you. Læs mere >>
Götz is dolls and accessories of the highest quality. When you choose a doll from German Götz, you are guaranteed a toy in one of the most highest standards in the market. That is why we at Mammashop are also incredibly honored to have the luxurious dolls from Götz at the shop. All the products are made of phthalate -free plastic and silicone. No toxic chemicals have been used and all products have been tested and approved in accordance with all applicable EU standards. Among other things, all the products are CE marked.
If you choose a product from Götz, you are assured: high quality, no chemistry, sustainability and good and safe play. Skjul

Götz dukker er tysk kvalitet

Götz er en tysk virksomhed som designer og producerer alt fra dukker til dukketøj og tilbehør. En stor del af produkterne er producerede i Tyskland og du er derfor sikret en uovertruffen kvalitet.

Det reneste på markedet

Produkterne er blandt de reneste på markedet - der er ingen kemi. Dukkerne er lavet i vinyl. Derfor er der flere sundhedseksperter der anbefaler Götz. Mange dukker på markedet indeholder blødgørende stoffer, parfume og andre tvivlsomme stoffer, som de fleste ikke ønsker at udsætte deres børn for. Dette er ikke kendetegnet ved Götz og derfor er produkterne blandt de mest populære på markedet.