Hoppekids Ida-Marie

The Ida-Marie series from Danish Hoppekids is a series of cute Junior beds With fine details and a good selection of muted colors. The size 70x160 cm makes Ida-Marie fit in in all children's rooms. At the same time, it is the perfect transition bed from the crib because it does not feel large and insecure.

Hoppekids Ida-Marie Junior bed and Husbed is Swan -labeled and the surface is treated with water -based varnish - well gets both environment and indoor climate.

Accessories in the form of spacious drawers and a removable bed horse can be purchased your Ida-Marie bed.

Hoppekids Ida-Marie

The Ida-Marie series from Danish Hoppekids is a series of cute Junior beds With fine details and a. Læs mere >>

The Ida-Marie series from Danish Hoppekids is a series of cute Junior beds With fine details and a good selection of muted colors. The size 70x160 cm makes Ida-Marie fit in in all children's rooms. At the same time, it is the perfect transition bed from the crib because it does not feel large and insecure.

Hoppekids Ida-Marie Junior bed and Husbed is Swan -labeled and the surface is treated with water -based varnish - well gets both environment and indoor climate.

Accessories in the form of spacious drawers and a removable bed horse can be purchased your Ida-Marie bed.



Hele udvalget af Hoppekids

Hoppekids IDA-MARIE i 160x70 cm

IDA-MARIE sengene fås i størrelsen 70x160 cm. Den lille størrelse føles tryg for de mindre børn, som kommer direkte fra tremmesengen og måske ikke helt er klar til den store seng endnu. Størrelsen gør også at de kan passe ind på stort set alle børneværelser.

Hoppekids Husseng eller Juniorseng

IDA-MARIE fås i to modeller: Som juniorseng og som husseng. Juniorsengen er den klassiske model med gennemgående sengehest på tre sider og mulighed for at tilkøbe en aftagelig sengehest til forsiden. Under sengen kan I have rummelige skuffer, hvis der er brug for ekstra opbevaring.

IDA-MARIE husseng er ligesom juniorsengen – men hvor der er sat et smart hus oven på. Den har altså stadig gennemgående sengehest på tre sider, hvilket giver en større følelse af at have et ”rum i rummet”.

Hverken hussengen eller juniorsengen kan bygges om til andre modeller. Til gengæld får I en rigtig fin seng til en skarp pris.